Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rooms I am dreading to pack.

#1 – My craft room. This majority of my stuff will have to either be sold or go into storage over the next 2 years because I doubt I will be lucky enough to have another room like this. Everyone always says that I have too much stuff anyway… I just love having everything I could ever want or need to do any project that is thrown at me within my reach at all times.

#2 – The Garage. This holds all 30+ plastic containers of Christmas/Halloween/Thanksgiving decorations, 4 Christmas trees and several Scarecrows. We bought this house based on the decoration possibilities. We even customized several locations with extra outlets so it would be easier to plug in lights. I am going to miss decorating for the holidays and having people actually see it. I keep telling myself.. just 2 years.. just 2 years.


amy said...

now i feel guilty for sending you all that scrapbooking stuff! don't worry. you could be in my shoes. i STILL have rooms i'm dreading to pack and the movers are coming monday!

Anonymous said...

Now before you start getting rid of your scrapbooking stuff and selling it, CALL MY MOM FIRST! haha. All she talks about is what you're going to do with all that scrapbooking stuff.

Anonymous said...

I love your scrapbooking room - it's amazing! You did a great job with it - and if you miss that room, just move to Salem and buy both sides of those houses that were converted to multi-family - then you can have 2 or 3 scrapbook rooms!