Wednesday, June 11, 2008

all those that dreamt before us

Today, I couldn’t help but think of all the others who have taken a chance, left their comfort zones, family and friends and moved either a few states away or across the world.

Our friend Amy, who had been struggling with the thought of leaving St.Louis for a long time. A few months ago she announced that she was going to do it. She is heading to Florida and I couldn’t be prouder of her!!

Our Vermont Friend, Elizabeth who is moving to KY at the end of this month. This news was unexpected because I can’t imagine anyone wanting to leave Vermont.

Our northeast friend, Jenna, moving from New York to Boston……We couldn’t be more jealous.

Our Friend, Mike, who came all the way from Switerland for love. Three years later and they are still going strong!

My Uncle Bernie and Aunt Althea. They both started over in a new state, with a new house. This had to be a hard decision and I miss them both very much.

And finally, My cousins Chris and Taryn… they win the award for taken the biggest chance. They moved to Australia 5 months ago. They have struggled but have goals that they are very focused on achieving. I am so freakin proud of them, especially Chris who I know has a hard time with taking chances like this. I miss them all so much and can’t wait for them to return and ready to start their life fresh and new in the States.

I love you all.. and hopefully we will be following behind you soon.

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