Tuesday, May 27, 2008

We got all kinds of time...

While getting paperwork together to give to our Realtor, we noticed that it was exactly 3 years ago today we signed the papers to purchase this home. I am not going to be too reminiscent just yet because we still have a long road to ahead. The Realtor told us that if we had this home in Grapevine or Keller it would sell in no time but with all the new real estate in the area, we have to be realistic. My fingers are crossed that the first “look and see” for the West and East coast MB employees will play in our favor.

And of course I always look for signs to get me through to the next day, week or year. Todays motivation came from the Scrubs episode I was watching while writing this.
“When you stop fighting it, time is really on your side”

So basically, I am going to make the most of the next few months, weeks or years I have in this house, with my friends and with Texas..

Friday, May 23, 2008

The process begins

Today we went looking at houses and it was like 140 degrees. It was miserable going in and out of these houses that do not have AC or any electricity hooked up. I got very dehydrated and it made me sick to my stomach. The sales women had just be transferred from Indiana and she could not get over how hot it was - SHE HAS NO IDEA WHAT SHE IS IN FOR!! We still have a ton of places to look but it was nice to finally get out there and start making this real.

We are meeting with the realtor on Tuesday. This is actually the same realtor that is helping all the Mercedes Business Centers on the West Coast and the East Coast relocate and find homes. And since we live only about 15 miles away from the new MB building, it would be very beneficial if one of them bought our home. The first “look and see” for these two centers will be June 6th and the realtor says that they are not planning on actually moving here until the Fall but maybe its possible that something might actually work out for us.

I will post pictures soon of our “new home location” for those of you that have never seen it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Inspiration from the past

One night I had a dream--

I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord and across the sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints, one belonged to me and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of my life flashed before me,I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that many times along the path of my life,there was only one set of footprints.
I also noticed that it happened at the very lowestand saddest times in my life.
This really bothered me and I questioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,you would walk with me all the way,but I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my lifethere is only one set of footprints. "I don't understand why in times when I needed you most,you should leave me."
The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child,I love you and I would never, never leave youduring your times of trial and suffering. "When you saw only one set of footprints,it was then that I carried you."

...Mary Stevenson

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

So close.. Yet so far away.

In September 2005 Jeff and I made our first trip to New England. We always knew we wanted to visit but we never thought that we would want to stay. If we hadn’t just bought this house, we would have gone home, packed up our stuff and moved up there immediately. Instead we gave ourselves 5 years to get up there.

At first, we thought maybe we would wait for my company to move me, that way they would help us sell our house and pay for the relocation, that dream was squashed in July 2007 when DaimlerChrysler announced that Chrysler and MB were divorcing. I still had faith in our original plan, even though it also let us down just within the last few months.

Even though all our friends have asked the question “Why don’t we just move up there since we love it so much”? They just didn’t ask the question at the right time. We gave them all the same excuses, “Our neighborhood was still new and we wouldn’t be able to sell our house”, “We haven’t saved enough money yet” “I am waiting to get my degree so that I will be competitive in the job market” and my all time favorite “I have so much invested in this company, if I leave I loose it all”. Finally, someone asked the question at the right time, it was Syd and we were in the car on our way to drop him off at his hotel from my birthday dinner. We were talking about our jobs and we again expressed our want to move up to the Northeast. He asked the same question everyone else has asked over the last few years“Why haven’t you moved yet?” (This isn’t the first time he has asked this question either). On the way home, Jeff and I discussed it and I was able to discredit all my excuses. Have we tried to sell our home yet; what would it hurt to try? We were never going to save enough money living in this house. We love this house but we spend every single cent on this house (and traveling… and well… we didn’t want to give up traveling). As for my degree, my company suspended the tuition reimbursement a few months ago and if I wait for them to bring it back (if they even do) what will it really do for me? Why do I have to be so competitive in the job market if we don’t have any bills? Why am I so focused on making so much money? Just to buy more stuff? I want to make enough money to live life to the fullest and why am I in Corporate America anyway? I can find plenty of jobs without a degree that I will be happier at, I won’t make as much as I do now, but so what. And this brings me to my final excuse; I have come to learn that when it comes to Corporate American, Loyalty does not get you anywhere. So with all our excuses discredited, our next step was to get started on how to make our plan work.

Now we have 2 years left before our 5 year goal is up and we have decided to finally take action. We are selling our house and moving out to my land in Boyd (yes, you can gasp some more... I did say Boyd). We are spending the 1st year paying off EVERYTHING and we are spending the 2nd year saving all of our money and then we are moving to New England. I have to keep thinking (and praying) that the sacrifices we will make over the next 2 years will be rewarding in the end.