Monday, July 14, 2008

Impatiently waiting

I hate this part of anything. Waiting…. It sucks and I have never been good at it. I know that all of Gods miracles happen on his time.. not ours but why does he have to torture those of us who have worked unsuccessfully their whole life (31 years in this case) to be more patient.

In the past three years, this has been the longest I have gone without a trip to the Northeast so you could probably guess I am having major Northeast withdraws. I have been trying to satisfy this withdraw by watching shows based out of the Northeast. I watch Cheers and then sing the theme song for hours afterwards; I watch Newhart and then rewind the beginning when they are driving through New Hampshire (its suppose to be Vermont .. but that is okay, its still beautiful); I watch Fever Pitch and it leads me to a hunt on Craigslist of houses for sale or rent in Boston. I should hold a contest for the person who can guess the amount of times that Jeff and I have talked the other out of just picking up and leaving (everything) and moving. Its funny how at one second we can be so spontaneous and then the next we can rationalize it out. Usually these fits only last a few minutes but are becoming more frequent.

Please Lord, help me learn patience. I have to get past this or I will go crazy!

1 comment:

Michell said...

I'm no good at being patient either - especially when I want something done that I can't just accomplish in 5 minutes by myself.

I imagine it's hard to stay somewhere you don't want to be - but sometimes there are things that have to happen first that we don't even know about. It will come soon enough. And it will all be worth it - it's a great goal you have...